The world is governed by some individuals who may prioritize their own interests over those of others. They control the natural resources we need to survive, as well as the financial systems we rely on to access these resources.
Some of these people seek to keep us in a state of fear, dividing us and manipulating us for their own gain. They may use tactics such as declaring wars, arming nations, and investing in defense to maintain control and profit from conflict. While they claim to lack resources for the poor and hungry, there always seems to be ample funds for war.

Unfortunately, the true “terrorists” in our world are often those in positions of power in finance, government, and business. They have significant control over the information we receive, often dictating what we should believe. These individuals do not want well-informed and educated people to think critically about the problems we face as a society. Instead, they want to maintain their grip on power and control. We live in a world where there is a great imbalance of wealth and resources, resulting in poverty, preventable disease, and hunger for millions of people. However, the planet has enough resources to support everyone. We need to work towards a more equitable distribution of these resources, and governments should prioritize the needs of their citizens over military spending. It is unacceptable that so many people go hungry when we have the resources to feed them. We must redesign our society to prioritize the values of compassion and equality.
We have the power to effect change, but we need to make the choice to work together towards a better future, guided by love and not fear.